the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Monday, January 29, 2007

is it possible... call out cold instead of sick? I've had the hardest time leaving my cozy comforter. A cold snap has hit Atlanta, hard. It was all of 27 degrees at noon today. I was out in it last night, along with lots of deep thought. I guess I'm doing some soul searching right now, though I'm not entirely certain what I'm trying to find. I just think its time to look.

On the big plus side, I haven't felt this healthy in a really long time. I plan to get a work out in tonight after work, first one in... quite a while. I'm 27 now, which means its time to alter the mission statement of this page. I'm not really sure what that should be, though. Suggestions are welcome.


Blogger Sayre said...

Yup - it was pretty nippy here too. Still 34 at noon (which is pretty odd for us!).

What kind of changes are you looking for? Geograpical? Work-related? Perhaps going back to school? Has the NYC bug bitten you again?

I'm not you - I don't have your life, but since you are relatively unattached, you should consider EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE. Head west? North? Somewhere new? Back home? You only get to live this life once - do with it what you will.

And I'm glad to hear you're feeling better!!!!!

1/30/2007 9:17 AM  
Blogger JR said...

Any and all of the above. There's been a catalyst or three lately that have really instigated a lot of looking inward. There are things about my own personality I'm beginning to recognize and I don't quite understand them.

Additionally, while the stability has been nice, I haven't ever actually been very *happy* in Atlanta. I haven't found my niche here. It's not necessarily the NYC bug, but you have to admit that I did have something of a better idea of who I was when I was there. Grandma Jocelyn urging me to go out exploring the universe isn't helping either, that's been ringing in my ears ever since she said it.

1/30/2007 1:15 PM  
Blogger Sayre said...

Gah! Blogger just ate my comment! That has NEVER happened to me before.

As I was saying (ahem):

If you were going to explore the universe, this would be the time to do it. Once you have mortgages and various other monthly payments, the universe tends to narrow down quite a bit.

I wish I'd done some traveling when I left Rick rather than just coming straight home. I'd like to have ended up where I am eventually, of course, but think of the stories I'd have!

1/30/2007 8:53 PM  

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