the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Friday, January 05, 2007

baby steps

Well, I'm almost done with my course of antibiotics, and I'll admit that I do feel much better on that end. No more headaches or sore throats or anything.

I am still largely exhausted most of the time. The past two months have really taken a lot out of me. I still have sores -- the really deep ones that probably won't heal fully for a long time. They itch terribly when I'm idle, so I have to fight off boredom as well as the urge to scratch. I'll have some scarring to go with the sores, so I'll need help coming up with awesome stories about where they come from. I bet I could pull off "hunting trip with Dick Cheney" ...

All that aside, though, there has been some great improvement in my condition. I'm taking extreme caution in my daily activities so as not to exacerbate anything. I got caught in a torrential downpour earlier today -- I chose to be late for work so I could go home and change rather than risking pneumonia... knowing my luck it would have happened. And yes, I made all the necessary phone calls....

I can't wait to be back in full active mode. This has gone on long enough I think....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are finally healing, Thank Goodness. I know this has been a real trial for you.
Juliette de Bairacli Levy says to keep a sore covered with a salve and band-aid to keep scarring to a minimum. ( actually she says use a geranium leaf tied on with gause, but I have had good luck with udder balm--I can't seem to keep geraniums alive.)

Love, Mom

1/07/2007 6:47 PM  
Blogger Sayre said...

Are there geranium leaves in Udder Balm?????

Glad things are starting to look up. I know how you feel about not being able to DO stuff.

Hey, I joined the DiscoveryHealth Channel's National Body Challenge! It's a way to record and keep myself accountable (which I apparently need). Goes from January 13th to March 10th (8 weeks). Let's see what I can do in that time!

1/08/2007 9:13 AM  

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