the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Monday, October 09, 2006

slow starts

I will admit I have been more than a little bit remiss in posting. What started out as an innovative way to keep myself accountable for my self-improvement has turned into an afterthought. I'd say that I'll do better but at this moment in time I just can't be sure.

I will say this though: I've lost five pounds. It is a slow start, but its a start nonetheless. I'm accustomed to weight falling off me these days -- I shrugged off 15 pounds when I first moved to Atlanta within a month and a half. This time around, though, I'm not exerting myself to full capacity because, somehow, its not as necessary. But I *have* been eating better, and riding my bike into work a couple of days out of the week, and that's a step in the right direction.

Alas, I'm preoccupied a lot these days. Work has gotten rather intense and I'm pushing for a promotion... and if it comes through, I'm uprooting my life for the second time in 14 months. No one ever seems to talk about the inherent stress that comes with an optimistic point of view, and as I get older I notice I start paying a lot more attention to the balance between pros and cons. Pros are still winning, but the cons weigh heavily enough to make me second guess. Of course, I haven't even so much as interviewed for the position, so I don't know why my mind has gotten this far ahead of myself. Perhaps its just because I don't want to catch myself by surprise.

My self-esteem seems to be in the gutter recently. All I see right now are dark circles around my eyes, thinning hair, uncontrollable flab that will always be there in my mind, because I'm always the fat kid, no matter how skinny I get.

This is not about my own mental preconceptions, though. This is trying to live a better life. It's within my grasp, and yours, too.


Blogger Sayre said...

Dude! I stopped thinking of you as the fat kid YEARS AGO! But I completely understand. I always felt like the fat kid growing up and well into my teens. When I look back at pictures now, I wonder what I was thinking then.

And part of me wonders if our attitudes about ourselves is a direct reflection on our parents. You never knew Mom as a skinny-minnie, but while I was growing up, she always seemed to hover around 100-110 lbs. Very, very tiny. I think it was the pregnancy with Matt that did her in... all her muscles just let go. But she was always concerned that we'd take after Dad, so food seemed like a constant battle at our house. That and the fact that whatever she made was all there was. With all those kids and Dad's career in radio, we definitely weren't rich.

SO! About this possible promotion... I'm assuming that it would entail another move. Back to NY? Or somewhere else? Details, man, details!!!!

10/09/2006 9:50 AM  
Blogger Sayre said...

By the way, I thought you looked great when you came to visit. You probably don't really need to lose much weight, but maybe add more muscle? I'm not sure...

10/09/2006 9:51 AM  

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