the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Yesterday was officially three months to the day before the birthday rolls around. That's about 12 weeks to whip myself back into fighting condition. When approaching something like this, your best option is to always keep your goals reasonable, and when setting these goals, you've got to pay attention to more than just the pure number of pounds to drop. If not, you'll just end up frustrating yourself and maybe even punishing yourself when you SHOULD be celebrating.

I hopped on the scale to see where I stand. This was one of those digital scales, so the reality of these numbers may be skewed just a little. I stand somewhere in the region of 6'3-6'4. My weight showed up to be 220 pounds at 17.4 percent body fat. Think about that for a second. If I tried to set my goal at losing 40 pounds by the end of the year, it'd be wholly unrealistic -- not because of the period of time or the amount of weight involved, but because if I lost every ounce of fat on my body right now with no other variables changing, I would still weigh 184 pounds.

Freaky, right? This is a fatal flaw I've witnessed time and again at the gym -- people pushing themselves towards impossible goals. People are built the way they are built. I'm quite tall, very broad, with very dense bones. There are other variables that go with it, more to be lost in water weight and the like, but depending on your body chemistry that can fluctuate wildly, and the main point remains the same. 180 pounds may be in the scope of my possibility after sweating out a great deal of water and losing a lot of fat, but just because the number sounds good doesn't mean its particularly healthy or wise. Do not be afraid to adjust your aspirations. Understand the concept of fluid, realistic goals. It helps.

(disclaimer: I am not a scientist and realize its probably much more complex than this... I welcome feedback from anyone who has more insight on this.)

So here we go... goal time!


  • 221 lbs
  • 17.4% bodyfat = 38 pounds of fat
  • 35 inch waist (though my old navy jeans promise me i'm a 33)
  • chins: 2


  • 200 lbs
  • 9% bodyfat = 19.5 pounds of fat
  • 30-31 inch waist (um, we'll see about that)
  • chins: one, sharply defined

Up next... food. And pictures.


Blogger Sayre said...

Sounds like you have very reasonable goals... can't wait for the pictures. Will they include your head? I've heard stories...

OLTA is ending in October, but I, for one, want to do another installment. Care to join me?

9/15/2006 9:46 PM  
Blogger JR said...

The head will be included. The pictures won't be salacious or anything, and I don't have any outstanding warrants for my arrest, so I don't have to worry about the fuzz coming to get me.

OLTA sounds cool, though my concern isn't so much my ass... I don't really have one to begin with, but I'll be an honorary member...

By the way, I'll be in FL next weekend...

9/16/2006 4:15 PM  
Blogger Sayre said...

Yay! Looking forward to seeing the hair...

Would LOVE to see you next weekend! You can come see the new house. Z-boy and I will be going to a "child self-defense" class on Saturday afternoon, but we'll be free after that. When do you arrive and when do you head back?

9/17/2006 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, came here via sayre.
Yes the lose that ass challenge, deffinately a good motivator at least it has been the kick in the pants I have needed to spend a bit of my day working on skinnying up.

I will see if part 2 comes through. I see no reason not to keep at it. They say habits are easy to start and hard to break so for it to be a habit I believe it takes something like 30 days to officially start a new habit.

Time will tell.. feel free to frequent my blog if you like. I ramble alot so be prepared. I have some posts that are rather regular and then every so often I try to battle my own demons via my blog. Therapy 101 for quinn.

9/18/2006 3:18 PM  

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