the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Friday, December 01, 2006

holding the ground

Two weeks since the final, repugnant cigarette, and I've still yet to even try to pick one up. Its sticking, and I'm happy. Not that I'm particularly surprised, though. I don't have an addictive personality -- no nic-fits. No headaches (beyond the ones caused by strep). No withdrawl symptoms. Nothing. I'm lucky, I guess.

Weight-wise, I seem to be holding steady between 210 and 215. It fluctuates between the two randomly, so I'll just say I'm somewhere in the middle. So, while I haven't really made any progress, being sick didn't really set me back, either.

Its not over yet, though. I completed my course of antibiotics yesterday, and today, like clockwork, I'm beginning to feel a relapse. My throat is getting that slight soreness back when I swallow, though I'm not fending off chills or spiking ridiculously high fevers. I have a three day weekend now, though, so back to bed, back to rest, just in case.

I took my bike in for a tune up and noticed odo/speedometers for sale, cheapo, so I got one. I think it'll let me keep good track of what I'm doing. Its another way to keep me honest. If my odometer at the end of the week doesn't say more than...say... 50 miles on it, I'll know I've wussed out too much.

And, in two weeks to the day, I'll be 27. My major, original goal, when I started this...well, it won't be met. But I don't consider that a failure. Part of that is just nature of falling ill or having injuries, I won't beat myself up over that. I have been eating a bit better. I did quit smoking. And holding steady is better than getting worse... so, to stem the tide of getting worse is accomplishment in and of itself.

I'm not done yet -- and like I said, I'm going to give myself an extra month to keep working on this, and see how close to my goals I really do get... so six weeks, eh? Will I be able to balance the temptations of holiday fat fatty fat and birthday debauchery?

...I never was good at cliffhangers.


Blogger Sayre said...

I feel your pain... I finally got on the scale today after all the hard work and... I weigh the same. Granted, with all the kicking and punching and crunching, I could be even because of muscle, but I'm not. But on the upside, my arms are toning up and my legs have actually drawn comment on their shapeliness in the last week. It's just my middle that is the problem. I will not give up!

Don't you either.

Congratulations on staying clear of the coffin nails. Once I made up my mind to quit and did the hypnosis (which only works if you WANT to quit), it was surprisingly easy. Yes, there are occasions when I want one, but the urge passes very quickly - within a minute - and I forget about it almost immediately.

12/02/2006 9:52 AM  

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