the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

the name was apt

I named my cat Satine, after the whore in Moulin Rouge. She's stunningly beautiful, LOVES attention, and will snuggle up next to anyone if the price is right. Generally, the price is a scritch on the head or a thorough brushing.

She's had a persistent upper respiratory thing -- lots of cat boogers and sneezing -- on and off for the past three years or so. I took her to a vet over the summer, who prescribed some pills. They worked, but a few weeks later she was plugged back up. And I found little pills that had been coughed back up under the bed and behind various pieces of furniture. So the antibiotic course wasn't completed and she was her old snotty self again.

Back to the vet -- same clinic, different doctor. He listened to the symptoms, checked her breathing...


Feline herpes. Its a viral infection that doesn't have a cure. Satine will be snotty, that is that. He did give me a goopy gel that smells like maple syrup, which should at least reduce her symptoms.

My poor little courtesan kitty.

UPDATE: She's been taking her meds and it seems to be doing the trick. She's not wheezing nearly as much as she was. There's still a little but but she's definitely more energetic and kittylike.


Other news, the weather has been lovely, so I've been biking again. The 11 mile run up to the gym is completely exhausting -- steep hills the whole way. I love it and hate it all at once. I'm tired, but I feel good.


Blogger Sayre said...

Wavy had feline HIV. When she was diagnosed (at 2 years old), the vet gave her 6 months to live, tops. 10 years later, she disappeared. We don't know if she died, if something fell on her, or if a coyote got her. Whatever happened to her, she lived a good long time - much longer than she was supposed to have.

Santine should be so lucky!

Good work on the bike. I went back to KenPo last night for the first time in a month. VERY sore today! It hurts so good....

3/14/2007 5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes...but it's 11 miles DOWNHILL all the way home, when it matters!


3/16/2007 8:51 AM  

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