the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

i've done it again

Yep, I fell once again, this time at work. I was cleaning up in the locker room, slipped on a slick spot I'd just mopped and landed on my arm. The irony is that I was putting out the wet floor signs at the time.

It's been a bit swollen for the past two days, and sends a dull throb through my arm if just barely touched. The good news, though, is that today, the swelling has gone down considerably and the pain is more like a bruise rather than a crack, break, or loose screw. Of course, I slept on my back funny last night so it's possible whatever problems I was having are just being upstaged right now. I'm keeping an eye on it and if I continue to have problems I'm back to get it x-rayed again. It's been reported too, so worker's comp will be easy if it comes to that.

My boss suddenly seems to be on the warpath, which is a great thing. One person fired yesterday, another in the sights for next week. I've been advocating for these releases for months, and finally we're in a position to be able to do so without repercussions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, BJ, you have got to be more careful. My guess would be that you will have more falls if you don't think before you step. Such a fall would be nothing if you hadn't had the broken arm, but now you must be extra careful.

We watch with interest the soap opera that is Crunches.
Love, Mom

11/07/2007 7:53 AM  

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