the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

a clean bill

Post #100 comes with good news.

I went back to have my arm x-rayed once again. The ulna has healed completely -- without even an indication there was ever a break except for the metal plates and screws attached to the bone. The radius -- the one that shattered -- has been considerably slower, and while it's still healing, it's solid. I have a little notch in the bone which we suspect will be there for life, and will be a source of weather-induced and seasonal pain (which is what I'm likely suffering right now).

The hardware is still in place -- the original worry when the pain started two weeks ago was that some of the screws had come loose and I'd need more surgery to either tighten or remove them. That's not the case, and with luck, I'll always be a kind of bionic man and they'll never have to come off.

After looking at the x-rays, the doctor turned to me and said "Yep, I think we're done here. Call me if you have any problems, but no need to schedule any more follow-ups."

Now if I can only get this dental insurance mess sorted out, we'll be doing great.


Blogger Sayre said...

Hip - Hip - Hooray!!!! Way to celebrate #100!

10/23/2007 2:46 PM  

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