the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Things have calmed down considerably and I'm beginning to have that free-spirited fun at work again. It's a weird state of being right now, I'm bouncing around and enjoying myself, but at the same time I'm still on the occasional painkiller, which makes me depressive. I'll use up all my happy at work and by the time I get home I'm gloomy as anything.

I got some unexpected face time with a very higher up today... she was formerly the NYC veep, now she's the national director of training and staff development. She's one of those people who says something and it gets done with no questions asked. She's been around long enough that everyone knows she knows exactly what she's saying. It started out with her asking about what happened to my arm, then about what the heck I was doing in Atlanta, and it went from there. I recounted my history with the company, and she listened intently. I mentioned applying for the software trainer position and emphasized my background in corporate training.

Her parting words to me: "I'll be thinking about you!"

Guess I said the right stuff, huh?


Blogger Sayre said...

Now see? If you'd up and quit, you wouldn't have had this encounter, which may have a dramatic impact on your future. It may not be immediate, but something positive will come out of all of this!

5/18/2007 8:30 AM  

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