the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

photographic evidence

Before anything ever happened, I had nearly perfect teeth. Just a very slight overbite, but everything very even and straight. If you look closely at the left tooth you'll see just a teensy bit of chipping that has happened over the years, but nothing major.

Then the accident. Left me with a very large space between uppers and lowers, and, if you look closely, knocked the top and bottom just slightly out of alignment.

And here we are today. Porcelain crowns, and reshaped bottom teeth. (will get higher-resolution pictures up soon, as well as shots of the crooked plastic caps) They are a different shape from my previous teeth and now I have no noticeable overbite. I'm not used to them yet, but I'm pleased. The lips cover up the very top by the gums, where they've been pushed back. It almost looks like there's decay up there, but really, its just empty space where the gums haven't healed yet.

And since I'm sharing, here's a look at the scars from the surgery. Don't worry, they're not too graphic.

The inside part of the arm. This incision was about six inches long. The dots on either side of the line are where the staples were placed. Supposedly those will fade with time.

And this is the outside of the arm. This incision is about seven inches, and that circle there indicates where the bone punctured the skin (sorry for the mental image)

And, finally, this is a side by side of my arms -- the angle is a little deceptive, but you can get an idea of how much muscle I've lost. I am healing and make a little progress every day, but I'm still very weak and stiff. I tried to turn a doorknob earlier today and couldn't. There's possibility of nerve damage with my thumb but it's still too early to tell. I am particularly glad I wasn't working at a restaurant when this happened, though going on disability for a few weeks would have been a nice, if ultimately inconvenient, break.


Blogger Sayre said...

Wow - nice teeth! You could have made a horror movie with the "after-the-accident" teeth. Very scary looking.

You and John should be "teeth models".

The scar wasn't too bad, but having heard the story first hand, my legs did still ache a little for you. (Okay, ya'll, I know that sounded weird, but I have empathetic pain in my shins when I hear or see of someone being hurt).

5/13/2007 5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the china choppers! The scars look pretty nasty, but they do fade, although I still have a funny little spot where I had a drain in my abdomen years ago when the ol' gall bladder checked out. Hey, it's part of the scars life inflicts.
But you--lookin' good ma-man!


5/13/2007 9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you are now one of the chosen few emitting an "inner light" from your smile, high resolution photographs are difficult. The teeth are brighter than the flash! I can actually send visual morse code to airplanes with mine! :)


5/14/2007 8:03 PM  

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