the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I want to keep telling my story of the hospital and surgery and all but this typing with one hand thing makes it very difficult -- that last entry took nearly an hour to write. Rough, since I'm accustomed to being able to type out 80+ wpm.

So, you'll have to suffice with Tarantino-like non-linear storytelling so I can update you on the now while referencing things you don't know about yet. I went to the dentist on Thursday, got two root canals (the nerves were exposed) and fitted with temporary crowns. I go back in three weeks to get the perms put in. I went back to work yesterday and I wasn't ready... I came home and took a six hour nap. I woke up in time to watch Futurama and then back to bed for another ten hours.

And... in the space of the five days since I've been home, I've lost ten pounds. Great diet plan. Terrible way to do it. Full shift at work tomorrow night, I hope I can handle it.


Blogger Douglas Leland for Equity Council 2012 said...

easy does it................1 step @ a time. Now at least I can type faster than you can.

Gracie and PJ send their luv ....meeeeeeeeeow meeeeeeeeeeeeyawwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn

really sorry to hear.hope ur well soon

4/22/2007 10:25 PM  
Blogger Sayre said...

Yowza, baby.... sleep as much as you need to - even at the expense of blogging! That's when your body does most of the healing work - and you have a lot of healing work to do.

Hopefully you're not riding your bike to work??????

4/23/2007 10:00 AM  

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