the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

a question to get you thinking

OK, I have readers on both sides of the political spectrum here, and I have a question:

If you were taking part in the presidential primary for the opposite political party, who would you support/vote for and why?

"Because that would make ____ win the general election for sure!" is not an acceptable answer.

I posted this on a message board a few weeks ago and got some interesting answers out of it. Those posters were mostly Democrats, so I'm interested to get the other side of the coin.


Blogger Solitarius said...

I would probably have to go with Obama. He seems to be a genuinely good man. He is not a hardline socialist, like Hillary or Kuchinch (sp), so would be less likely to want to punish the people that work for a living and, therefore, make the country function.

His biggest problem is a lack of experience. In a few years, he will probably make a good president. Right now, he is parroting too much of the nutjob left's lunacy and doesn't display any of his own thoughts on matters.

Part of being a leader is confidence in your own opinions. He hasn't done so, yet.

11/25/2007 1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney, because he is not doctrinaire and because he will appeal to the great middle of America. While his Mormonism may bother some, it has not proven to be an impediment to resucing the terribly compromised Winter Olympics, nor did it prevent him from being a popular and effective Governor in Massachusetts.

11/25/2007 5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give Obama a map and a class in how military/political alliances work, and he would be my choice.

I agree with Andy on the parroting lefty-loony stuff. It plays well in the ghetto, but, to quote a great man, at some point, someone has to sell some soap. Once he gets it straight that industry... NOT THE GOVERNMENT... creates jobs and wealth, I will be more comfortable with him stewarding the market place.

He seems like a decent human being with the intelligence to eventually separate dogma from reality.


11/27/2007 10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I'm a Democrat so what do I know??????????? lol

I guess I'd vote for Rudy because he is no nonsense.........he is not the superhero that he wants us to believe but the man has some credibility.........just stop harping about 911 and stop the Ozzie & Harriet cell calls from Judith.......her next husband is Prince Charles

as a Democrat.......I like Biden and Dodd......the best ideas and both accomplished BUT.......they can't take on the top 3......Richardson screwed up big time in the "gay debates"........Obama is not ready..........maybe in '16.........I really like Edwards but of course I want a woman running the country and I luv Bill!! So GO Hillary!

11/27/2007 8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey JayBrrrd!

Thanks 4 ur concern......I'm worried too.........I'm back to the hospital on Monday for another "zap!".......just like Dick! They can't get my heart back in rhythm.......this is my 3rd cardio version besides the ablation surgery! New meds and a quick zap next Monday might work
The nurses know me at
Then in January......that little pesky cancer surgery! Oy! I'll glow w/ 80 seeds in my prostate.......I think my audition song in the Spring will be "I'm electrifyin' but I ain't even tryin'........I never have to sweat to get paid!".......LOL

11/27/2007 8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the opposite political party is.

12/01/2007 11:51 AM  

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