the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Friday, November 23, 2007

the curse is broken

OK, it's the day after Thanksgiving. This day has been generally cursed for me for the past two years -- I've come down with a horrific case of strep each year. In 2005 I was out from work for over a week. Last year I was on doctor's mandated bedrest for three days.

This year? I feel fine. Well, not completely fine -- I have a little tickle in my throat and a very slight headache, but nothing to the order of strep. I blame taking a walk in the very blustery aftermath of a light shower. Atlanta felt pretty much abandoned yesterday afternoon, only a diner and a Starbucks open for business. I spent most of the day on my own, my feast being a box mac and cheese (though to give it an air of sophistication, I got creative with the ingredients). I've been off from work since Wednesday and not going back until Sunday; clearly, I've been sleeping a lot. I'm actively fending off illness that hasn't settled in yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Echinacea and Zinc! Sounds like you need to beef up your immune system, and daily doses of these two will do it. I take them at the first tickle, and It has been years since I've been really sick with flu or a cold. You've got to stay healthy so you can really enjoy your trip to NYC. Have a great time.
Love, Mom

11/24/2007 4:57 AM  
Blogger Sayre said...

We're all a little tickly ourselves... ZBoy is downright hoarse and Kylee was coughing last night. I think part of it is actually using the heat for the first time this year. All that yummy, hot dust getting blown out of the vents.

Feel better!

11/24/2007 9:57 AM  

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