the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Monday, July 23, 2007

odds and ends

Hairspray was a fun little movie, but having seen the stage show twice and the original countless times, I was a little disappointed. Anyone who doesn't have the same background with it as I do will love it. And in spite of myself, I really enjoyed John Travolta's performance.

I've had James Taylor's Fire and Rain running through my head all day. Don't know why. That was the song that made me break down when my grandma Roz died, and because of that, the last line gets to me every time I hear it.

I'm back to being mentally invested in work again. The past couple of months (consistent with my injury) have seen me totally tune out from what I was doing. It's nice to be involved and engaged again, it makes the day go much faster. Wouldn't you know it would coincide with one of my employees having a nervous breakdown? Sigh, this week's gonna be a barrel o' monkeys.

Kathy Griffin comes to town next month. Most people I know hate her, but god, I love that woman. I didn't get to Dreamgirls this weekend, so probably next Saturday instead.

Simpsons movie comes out on Friday! Woohooooo! That picture from the previous entry came from -- you plug in a picture and it turns you into a Simpsons character. My original one gave me a stoner beard and short black hair -- neither of which I have (right now)... but it luckily lets you customize and what you saw is what I came up with. I think it's pretty close, even without the eyebrow piercing.


Blogger Sayre said...

Ah, that explains it (your goatee is gone????). I'll have to give it a try myself (but first I gotta find a picture..)

7/23/2007 11:20 AM  

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