the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

so much...more

There's quite a lot bouncing around in my head right now. Some of it is very exciting, some of it is stuff I probably shouldn't know about but could have a tremendous impact over the next couple of weeks. It could be terrific, or it could be something I really don't want to happen. And it could all be negated by something else a few months further down the road. And, of course, none of it is anything I feel at liberty to talk about any further right now.

I've been doing my exercises recommended by my doctor, and I'm amazed at how quickly my range of motion is coming back. My thirty degree rotation has grown to sixty! The stretches can hurt a lot though, so I keep the painkillers close by. Bit by bit, things are returning to normal.

It's been an exhausting week. Sunday, after work, my roommate and I set to getting the condo ready for out of town visitors for Pride. We started painting the dining room, which is now a very sexy dark red (Chinaberry...yum). As we're working on it, around 1:30am, my phone rings. I have different ringtones for different groups of people... the one that went off is "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies..."

"I chime in with a 'haven't you people ever heard of
Closing the god damned door?'
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality..."

I use it for work-related stuff. I looked at my roommate before I picked up and said "It's Janet* and I'm opening the club in three and a half hours."

The premonition was right. I decided to stay up, since opening the club means having to leave the house by 4:15am. And since we'd been painting, I'd need a shower. At 1:30am, setting the alarm clock for 3:45 seems like a fool's errand. So we finished painting, and I schlepped off to work, powered by Diet Coke and a large coffee.

I made it through the day until about 10am, when I finally lost the ability to focus my eyes. At 11, my relief came in... I took care of the bank deposits, headed home, and promptly fell asleep until 9pm.

Now fully awake, I decided I'd start painting my room, inspired by the fantastic results of the dining room. Another fool's errand, wrestling the bed and bookshelves took me at least an hour thank to my weak arm, and before I knew it, it was 6am and only half finished. I slept, though not enough to reset my body clock.

I got into work, and the first thing I got to do was sit down with my boss and plan out how we're going to fire someone. It's such a rotten thing, a necessary evil. Despite all the depictions of bosses as megalomaniac tyrants in the media, I can assure you no matter how miserable a job someone is doing, telling them to go away is the worst...

Got home, finished painting, back to bed at 6 am again... back to work... and the boiler dies. No hot water. At all. In a gym. Second time in two weeks, so now I'm navigating angry people who for whatever reason think it's something I'm doing specifically to spite them.

Tomorrow? Dental appointment. And we have a manager who's out on vacation this weekend, so I'm working an extra two hours. But then... a three day weekend of fun and festivities! Starting Friday, with a trip to Six Flags. I'm still hampered by the arm, so a lot of the rides are going to be out of the question for me, but a theme park filled with homos? Good times! Saturday is the festival in the park, and Sunday is the parade. I've been needing a decent break for a long time -- and not one where I'm recovering from something. I can't wait.


Blogger Sayre said...

I still have LOTS of painting to do... when are you coming home????

Enjoy your weekend off - it sounds like you really need a good break with some fun!

6/21/2007 8:57 AM  

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