the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

been awhile

I'd post if there was really anything to say, which there's not. I continue to work. I continue to heal. I come home late at night and sleep late into the morning. The staph has healed up, so I just gotta get the stitches pulled soon.

I went back to my surgeon this morning for a check up -- he says I'm probably about 80% healed up, and the pain that I'm experiencing now is more from muscle atrophy than the break. He recommended physical therapy, since I can only turn my wrist about 30 degrees (normal is 90).

PT is covered by my insurance at a $30 copay, but considering I'd need to do it 2-3 times a week... an extra $240ish monthly isn't easy to come by. He gave me some exercises and stretches I can do instead which should help. Factor that I'm still paying off my dental bill, and my rent's going up a tick next month... whatever raise I got has essentially been obliterated for the time being.

Noah called the other day to let me know he scored free tickets for Gypsy at City Center starring Patti LuPone next month. Most readers have no idea what this means, but I'm chomping at the bit to get cheap plane tickets and a couple of days vacation. I'm still coveting a Chicago trip, too, but that's not in the cards.


Blogger TeKay said...

Glad you are healing well.

And GIRL those damn tickets.


could you imagine, i mean could you imagine!

6/12/2007 4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is long--a physical impairment
will slow you down forever if you don't get the PT when you need it. You have to prioritize and budget. The insurance will pay now, but wait too long and it won't. Don't trade one night of theater in NY for a lifetime handicap.

6/12/2007 6:18 PM  
Blogger Solitarius said...

Physical therapy sucks, but it is well worth it. It takes discipline and dedication, and it will hurt like hell if you do it right.

When I got bitten, I couldn't close my hand into a fist or move my wrist enough to shave.

I worked my butt off in PT (and in my spare time), and my wrist mobility and hand strength is now better in my injured hand than it is in my pristine right.

I strongly suggest that you blow off the theater trip and get your hand back to full strength.

6/12/2007 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will always be another season on B'way..your wrist mobility? That may be a limited engagement, unless you buy a ticket now. Usable wrist? Patti Lupone?

6/12/2007 9:11 PM  
Blogger Sayre said...

It may be boring and grown up, but I have to chime in with the PT folks... Tickets to Broadway are lovely, but being able to use your hand is even better.

Chicago and New York aren't going anywhere. They will still be there when you have the money and ability to go.

(I'm talking to myself too...)

6/12/2007 11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... but it's GYPSY!!!!!


(What Would Patti LuPone Do?)


6/13/2007 8:42 AM  

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