the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

unhappy returns

Hey, remember that staph infection that I had at the beginning of last month?

It's back. Boy, is it back. My thigh is very, very swollen, and it's hurting a lot. Off to the doctor tomorrow morning. I've got a crater in my leg you could probably fit a pea into.

Remember further back about talking about how broke I was? Something like eighty bucks for two weeks? Yeah, after tomorrow's doctor's appointment and inevitable prescriptions, let's try $20 for a week and a half. IF I'm lucky.

Never ask if it gets any worse. It inevitably will. This streak has gone way past unlucky and straight into beleaguered territory. Why doesn't this damn cycle STOP?! Just a little break, seriously, that's all I need. Healthy for three weeks, that's all I ask.


Incidentally, its my first year in nearly a decade I haven't been in NYC for the fourth of July. I'm not doing anything special (see aforementioned lack of money) tonight, but I wish I were. I miss sitting on the rooftops watching the fireworks over the river with a bunch of friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry your staf is back. It is very difficult to get rid of once it gets established. Your Dad had a recurring staf infection for about a year once. It became resistant to the anti-biotic he was taking. An old home remedy is to bandage a geranium leaf over the sore. Change the dressing often, and be careful disposing of the blackened leaf and soiled bandages. It is messy, but does seem to work. Once it is healed, it is important to try to prevent another outbreak.
I've been watching an annoying but very informative program on BBC called "How Clean is Your House?". It has made me very aware of the role things like cat litter boxes play in infections. Something as simple as washing your hands often, especially after cleaning the litter box, makes a big difference. Cat-poo is dangerous stuff, and microscopic bits float everywhere, contaminating your living space with, among other things, STAF germs.

I used to think too much cleanliness was unhealthy, and a certain level of germs boosted your immune system. Now I realize there is so much bad stuff in the environment anyway, it isn't possible to be TOO clean. But you can mitigate the harmful effects somewhat by being aware and keeping those things you can control as clean as possible.
What a drag--but it pays off in improved health, for the cats as well as for the humans.

7/05/2007 3:51 AM  
Blogger Sayre said...

Damn, boy! You ARE having a rough patch, aren't you? Do what you can to get better - and come see us when you can. Perhaps you can hitch a ride with John sometime?

7/05/2007 11:02 AM  

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