the prime of life

Living your dream sometimes means having to wake up.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

it's not over

So, obviously, the cycle is continuing. I woke up this morning feeling... streppy. I've had strep throat three times in the last two years. I know what it feels like, and I've got that same feeling now. This time, however, I'm not waiting around to see if it goes away. After the past few months taking that chance doesn't seem very sexy to me. The urgent care down the street opens in about an hour, so I'm going to go take care of it right now while I'm still physically capable.

Idol registration tomorrow. Auditions later in the week. More to come.

EDIT: Just back from the doctor. Body temp is steady at 98.6. No swelling or redness. Doc wondered why I was there. "Trust me," I said. He gave me the strep test and shrugged.

Ten minutes later he came back in rubbing his forehead with a dumbfounded look. "It came back positive. You have strep. How'd you know that?!"

Got my antibiotics. I'll be able to head this off without a problem.


Blogger Sayre said...

I hope everything is cleared up before the auditions!!!

Isn't it funny? You know your body better than the doctors do so of course you know (especially with all you "experience") when something's coming on. If everyone paid attention like that, there'd be a lot fewer medical emergencies from stuff that's been ignored.

8/12/2007 7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bad news/good news is that it is NEVER over. Life goes in cycles; that's just the way it is. You'll never get so high up that you can't fall, but you'll never sink so low that you can't get up, either. If life was easy, why would we bother doing it?


8/13/2007 12:55 PM  

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